Ini merupakan salah satu dilema yang pernah aku
alami. Sebagai salah satu mahasiswa yang berasal dari kota asalnya sendiri,
maka secara tidak langsung aku merupakan duta kota ku. Padahal, aku sendiri
tidak tahu seluk beluk kota secara detail. Tapi mau tidak mau, di sinilah aku,
secara tidak langsung, aku merupakan duta kota Surabaya.
Surabaya. Kota pelabuhan. Kota pahlawan. Jika
temanku bilang Surabaya itu panas, ya aku benarkan. Atau Surabaya itu macet, ya
aku benarkan. Atau Surabaya itu Dolly, ya aku benarkan. Walau sebenarnya aku
salut dengan usaha pemerintah yang ingin menghapus image itu.
Namun, dari semua pernyataan dan pertanyaan
teman-temanku tentang Surabaya, pertanyaan yang paling membuat aku kesal
"Kapan Surabaya hujan?"
Sangat menjengkelkan. Ini pertanyaan yang sangat
tidak rasional untuk dilontarkan. Pertama, aku bukanlah pawang hujan atau dukun
hujan. Kedua, aku bukan BMKG yang bisa tahu data-data kapan akan terjadi hujan.
Ketiga, aku bukan scientist gila yang suka merubah awan menjadi hujan makanan.
Tapi untungnya Surabaya akhir-akhir ini sering hujan, dan seketika itu juga
pertanyaan itu hilang ditelan bumi.
Dan menjadi "duta" juga bukan perkara
mudah. Paling tidak, minimal, harus memberikan kesan orang Surabaya itu baik.
Hahaha, padahal...
Oke, karena harus memberikan kesan baik itulah,
terjadi salah satu perbincangan paling tidak penting di dunia antara aku ketika
bertemu dengan salah satu temanku yang kebetulan seorang cewek. Aku,
"Pulang ke kos? Naek apa?"
"Iya. Jalan kaki."
"Lho, motormu mana? Biasanya naek motor
"Iya ini motorku rusak tadi. Sulit di stater,
ndak nyala."
"Oalah...nebeng ta?"
"Ndak jalan aja."
"Bener ta? Lumayan lho ndak capek."
"Iya bener."
Alhamdullilah! Ya, aku jawab Alhamdulillah dengan
nada yang meninggi dibagian akhir kata. Nah lho? Paham maksudku kan? Jadi,
intinya aku senang temenku ndak nebeng. Dan rasa senangku itu aku ekspresikan
dengan kata alhamdulillah itu tadi.
Dari awal memang pada waktu itu, aku lagi tidak
berniat nebengin. Coba bayangin, kan harus muter-muter dikit dulu. Terus bensin
gimana. Belum lagi nanti kalo dikira modus. Nah, bahaya kan? Justru
alhamdulillah to kalo temenku itu ndak mau? Ndak harus repot, ndak harus dikira
Sebenarnya, karena waktu itu aku harus buru-buru
pulang, makanya waktu itu aku ndak niat nebengin. Tapi trus kenapa aku kok
nawarin? Itu tidak lebih dari sekedar basa-basi. Kan kok sawangane ndak
nawarin, kan ndak enak kan ya.
Dan nawarin tebengan ini juga tidak lepas dari peran
"duta" sialan yang aku sandang. Karena "duta", maka paling
tidak, sepeti yang aku katakan sebelumnya, harus keliatan baik. Nah, nawarin
tebengan itu tadi setidaknya sudah mencerminkan "keliatan baik".
Paling tidak, aku sudah mencerminkan warga Surabaya
yang "keliatan baik"
"Eh, kamu punya nomornya si Aap?"
"Iya ada."
"Eh kirimin ke nomorku dong."
"Kenapa ndak kamu catet langsung aja?"
"Mati nih hapeku, kalo kamu kirim kan nanti
"Oh, oke. Nomormu berapa?"
Duh, ada lagi ya modus baru kayak gini. Luar biasa..
bisa dipungkiri aku memiliki ketertarikan pada dunia tulis-menulis dan
baca-membaca. Dan oleh karena itu pula aku sempat beberapa kali membuat banyak
cerita. Banyak pula cerita-cerita ku ini diambil dari pengalaman pribadi, namun
juga tidak sedikit yang hanya hasil pemikiran dan imajinasi.
Dari beberapa cerita itu, aku ingin
memposting di blog ku ini salah satunya. Ini cerita berjudul Bahasa Daerah. Waktu
itu cerita ini aku buat waktu SMP dan merupakan pengalaman pribadi ku saat SMP.
Tidak ada secuil pun bagian dari cerita dibawah ini yang aku edit lagi. Jadi
cerita di bawah ini nanti adalah benar-benar asli saat dulu aku menulisnya.
Oke, tunggu apalagi, silahkan, Kawan :
Pengalaman bisa membuat seseorang terpuruk, sepi, dan tenggelam di
dalamnya. Tapi pengalaman juga bisa membuat seseorang senang, bahagia, bahkan
melambung di dalamnya. Tapi ada juga pengalaman yang tidak mempengaruhi kinerja
seseorang. Contohnya saja pengalamanku.
Ketika aku kecil, sekitar umur 4 tahun dimana pada usia itu
adalah usia yang paling menyenangkan bagi semua orang. Soalnya kalau kita
nangis pasti masih diperhatiin. Orang akan bilang, “Nak, kasihan…..kenapa
kamu?” Tapi kalau sudah besar pasti
orang bilang, “Nak, kamu gak pernah diperhatiin ma ortu-mu ya?”
ketika aku kecil, saat itu aku baru bangun tidur dan kulihat jam dimana
seharusnya ibuku belum berangkat bekerja. Aku mencari di dalam rumah dan tidak
kutemukan ibuku. Lalu aku berlari ke luar rumah dan kutemukan ibuku berjalan
menjauh untuk berangkat bekerja. Aku langsung berlari mengejar ibuku sambil
berteriak-teriak memanggil ibuku. Namun ibuku tak mendengar suaraku. Tiba-tiba
saja, saat diriku berlari, aku miring-miring ke kiri dan seperti yang aku
perkirakan…. aku masuk selokan. “BLUNG!” begitulah bunyinya…..dan aku berkata,
“Bagus….” Dan aku kembali ke rumah. Tapi anehnya aku tidak menangis. Nah,
itulah mengapa pengalamanku itu tidak memengaruhi kinerja diriku. Atau mungkin
pengalamanku itu telah membuat sesuatu dalam diriku salah/error. Buktinya aku
tidak menangis.
pengalaman itu, aku dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pelajaran yang paling berharga
adalah pengalaman. Dan pelajaran dari pengalaman itu adalah, “Sebaiknya jika
kalian berlari, lalu tiba-tiba miring-miring, sebaiknya anda berhenti. Jika
tidak, dapat menimbulkan kejadian-kejadian yang tidak diinginkan.”
setelah kejadian itu, aku mulai mengikuti program pemerintah yang bernama
“Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun”. Atau jika aku permudah istilahnya, aku mulai masuk
sekolah. Nah, setiap sekolah pasti mempunyai mata pelajaran yang pasti menurut
sekolah akan berguna bagi masa depan murid-muridnya. Dan selama aku mengikuti
program pemerintah itu, dan dimasukkan berbagai macam mata pelajaran, aku mulai
menyadari sesuatu jika dihubungkan dengan pengalamanku bertahun-tahun yang lalu.
Aku menyadari bahwa,
pengalaman adalah pelajaran yang paling berharga, maka Bahasa Daerah adalah
pelajaran yang paling menyebalkan.”
benar-benar membuatku dilema sebernanya. Bagaimana tidak, Ayahku adalah seorang
Jawa tulen. Maka seharusnya, kemampuan bahasa Jawa atau daerahku tidak sebatas
“asal tidak remidi”. Tapi itulah mentalitasku saat diriku berjumpa dengan
pelajaran bahasa daerah. Tapi mau gimana lagi? Toh kalau aku bisa, mungkin
mentoknya cuma “inggih”, “mboten”, “mboten napa-napa”, atau “kula mboten
ngertos”. Oke, aku akui, banyak kata “mboten” di dalamnya. Tapi sekali lagi,
mau gimana lagi?
Nah, dalam
karirku sepanjang mengikuti program pemerintah “Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun” ini, aku
selalu mencari jalan agar “asal tidak remidi” untuk pelajaran bahasa daerah.
Nah, pengalaman yang paling menurutku lucu adalah ketika aku kelas 9 di mana
saat itu ulangan pelajaran bahasa daerah. Untungnya, saat itu adalah ulangan
harian. Jadi selain duduknya sebangku 2 orang, soalnya cuma 5, aku kedapatan
tempat di belakang! Tapi ruginya, soal sebangku hampir sama tapi beda, dan
ulangan harian itu semuanya uraian!
Ketika soal
dituliskan di papan tulis, bukan di Balikpapan (soalnya kejauhan dari
sekolahku) aku masih tenang. Soal pertama, ada a dan b. Yang a, aku bilang,
“Gini doang?” ketika yang b, aku bilang, “Oi, nomer 1 b apa?” sambil
celingak-celinguk kiri-kanan. Tapi yang namanya juga usaha, pasti dapat hasil.
Tak penting hasilnya baik atau buruk yang penting….. “asal tidak remidi”
Ketika soal nomer 2, aku bilang, “Bagus…” deja
vu kata-kata ketika aku masuk selokan. Lalu aku celingak-celinguk kiri-kanan
dan tidak satupun temanku yang tahu jawabannya. Lalu tanganku tanpa sengaja
menyentuh buku paket bahasa daerah yang ada di mejaku. Aku teringat, aku sempat
membacanya sebelum ulangan yang kejam ini menimpa diriku. Aku juga teringat,
aku lupa memasukkan buku yang mengahadirkan harapan padaku itu ketika ulangan
ini berlangsung. Dan aku juga masih sangat ingat, aku tersenyum saat menyadari itu.
Aku langsung
membuka buku itu di atas meja! Bukan dewi yang katanya orang Yunani tersenyum
memberikan keberuntungan yang tersenyum padaku, tapi Tuhan yang tersenyum
padaku. Sehingga saat pertama kali aku buka buku pemberi harapan itu, aku
langsung menemukan halaman yang ada jawaban untuk nomer 2 ulangan harian sialan
itu! Dan aku langsung salin saja jawabannnya. Lalu kututup buku itu dengan
tenang dan kumasaukkan buku itu ke tasku dengan tampang innocent.
Waktu itu mukaku
seperti konglomerat yang menaburkan uang koin ke rakyat yang serba kekurangan.
Dan aku langsung dengan muka bangga memberi tahu jawaban soal nomer 2 yang
teman-temanku tanyakan. Oh, inikah perbedaan orang yang tahu dan tidak tahu?
Pantas banyak orang ingin mendapatkan keingintahuan walaupu dengan segala cara.
Dan apakah
kalian ingin tahu berapa nilai yang aku dapatkan dengan perbuatan diriku? 89!
Seumur-umur diriku tak pernah mendapatkan nilai yang begitu tinggi untuk mata
pelajaran bahasa daerah ini. Tapi jika dipikir-pikir lagi, seharusnya aku tidak
melakukan perbuatan itu. Tapi tak apalah, toh nilainya juga 89! Hahahaha…
It’s the end of winter. I’m
just wearing thin green sweater. I’m sure it works, even the wind so cold.
Actually, I don’t care if I get sick. I’m on holiday, so I should enjoy it. And
walking around the city will be a great refreshing.
Here I am. Standing at the
edge of sidewalk. Waiting for the traffic. I want to go across the street. All
of those memories suddenly attack me when I’m waiting. Memories about an
untouchable-executive women, about my mid-ancient European building school, my
fucking damn friend, my pizza for breakfast, my damn boring time in the
airport, and my lovely enemies.
The traffic turns green, the
pedestrian begins walk across the street, and all of the cars stop. I’m walking
with people besides me. The wind blows, very cold, I place my hand into my
pants pocket. And the wind suddenly makes me think about all of my memories.
I stop in the middle of the
street. I’m shock. I begin to think. Who are these people? What do they want? Do
they know me? Do I know them? Do they care about me? What do they think about
me? What if I fall in this street? Will they help me? Or will they give me a
“fucking hell” word? Or they just pass through right
on me? Who are these people?
All of
the thought makes me confused. The time stops. I’m just plunged in thought. Nothing’s
changed. Until the Big Ben clanks. Twelve o’clock. Then I can see the light. I
can answer my question. I can feel the warm wind come and banish the winter.
Sometimes, people around you
can be a demon. Stab your back, and rob your girlfriend. Even though, it is
your best friend. They can be so evil because they want something and they will
do the most they can do to get what they want. But sometimes, people can be an
angel. They can help you and cheer you up in unbelievable ways. Even though,
it’s your enemies. It can be happen because they heart are really pure, or
maybe they just get the enlightenment.
If I fall in this street
right now, maybe there will be a people who give me bad words. Because in their
thoughts said that there’s no immediate effect if they help me. But maybe there
will be a people give me a help. Because their heart is really pure and thoughts
that helping people is a must. So sometimes, ignoring these people is just the
right things to do. Because, who are they? They just people.
05:00 am. I woke up
too early. I threw away my blanket. Damn. So cold.
I checked my phone. Oh
no, five missed calls! And the great things, I didn't care. Because God please,
it was Sunday! I put my phone back.
Not a long time after
it, a message coming. My phone rang. I took it, checked it again. And holy
"...we need you
to make the negotiation clear. Take flight at 01:00 pm to London. Reply
Sometimes, I hate
being a person who knew too much. Although, it was positive like give you a lot
of opportunities, but in the other hand, it cost too much to your personal
Just like this, and
thought about this carefully. When you knew information, or knowledge, or kind
of it, you would be famous, then people would pay attention to you. They would
ask you, they would need you, they would follow you, they would be watching on
what you wear, what you eat, what you do, everything. From the most important
things to the least. It could be happen because they needed the information
from you.
It was fun in the
beginning. Knowing people a lot, trusted by a lot of people. But later on, too
much people need you and you collapsed because you couldn't handle it. And
then, you sacrifice some of your personal life. Because sometimes, if you let
them disappointed, it would cost on your career.
And actually, all
those people didn't have to ask an unnecessary stupid thing. If they got more
attention surround them, they could take the same information as good as you
who knew the information. So they could more productive, learn, and develop
faster. And the most important thing, they didn't have to bother you with those
stupid question.
So, the relation with
my situation was like this. 'A lot opportunities' meant; I could introduce myself
to other principal company and made new connection, I could go to London, saw
how great the town it was, and didn't have to pay my trip, and I could go by
plane so many times just like enter the toilet! And of course there were more
beneficial side for me.
And 'cost personal
life' meant; I have no Sunday! I couldn't give myself an enjoyable relaxing
moment, far away from work. I had to say that I couldn't accompany my girl
washed her cat this weekend. So bad, I love her cat very much.
I left my bed and
walked to the kitchen. Then I realized I was running out of food. I made a
call. Reserve a pizza for breakfast. Finished with my call, I reply the
"I'll be
So warm inside here.
But I knew, outside, the temperature could reach minus 5oC. It was
winter, and it was just usual winter. But somehow I felt the winter colder than
Here I was. Trapped on
the platform. Waiting my flight. I knew such a fool make a trip using airplane
on winter. Because everywhere were ice, the runway was very slippery. But what
I could do.
I had been one hour
here. I did almost everything to kill the time. Listened the music, surfed the
internet, went to the toilet without any certain reason. I felt like,
"God help me! I'm
god damn bored!"
Almost two hours. I
felt sleepy. Until this voice made me strained,
Oh fuck! A devil had
called me, with her two red eyes, two fired-horns, long black claws, and her
damn bad personality. She was just women, my old friends, wait, my old enemies,
because she made a lot of bad things to me. A lot of things.
On school, she ever
tricked me to get higher score than me. She ever blamed me for her mistakes,
and everyone believed her. She ever degraded me in front of class. And so much
more. It seemed I always made mistake in her eyes. And I didn't know why she
hated me so much. Maybe I was a threat, but I didn't sure about it.
When she called me, I
just....saw at her. Confused. Between happy or felt suck. After a minute, I was
sure got another bad day. And I was sure I felt suck.
It was silent for a
moment. She looked at me, and I stared back at her. No words. Awkward.
She broke the silence.
She asked me to go to cafe in the airport with her. I know she was a demon. A
fucking cursed devil from hell. But I thought have a time with a devil was more
exciting than just wait the delayed-plane. So I agreed.
I just sat with her in
the cafe. Stirred the cappuccino I had. No words. Still awkward sat with her. I
knew she felt awkward too, and she tried to make it easier. But my heart still
said she was a demon.
There were some reason
I'm drowning in my silence. First, I hated her. Second, she was a demon. Third,
I spent my time with a devil, I could get more sins than before! Fourth, I
brought a little cash in my pocket because of the damn suddenly message of
This cappuccino just made
me suffocate how to pay. Then I realized. God, this demon tricked me again. How
if she didn't want to pay her pasta? And she just left me, ran away, and made
me pay all of the meal? Damn it!
All of that thought
was suddenly disappear following her voice,
"So, where will
you go?"
Ah, I knew it that she
would say that words! My observation stated that more than 80% of the conversation
in airport when you met someone, either you knew them or not, is ask about
where your destination is. That was a fact! Didn't you deny it. Believed me.
But okay, I
appreciated her. I answered her question as nice as I could. She knew I tried to
act nice at her. She read it. Then she tried to make more conversation. And it
began more interesting at the end.
She talked a lot of
things. Her destination, the weather, the headline news, politics, her job, her
love story, her fashion, her life, her family. A lot of things! I began to love
this conversation. I knew she tried to say sorry what she had done to me, but
somehow she didn't say it. She just kept it for herself.
She just made
interesting conversation with me to say sorry. Sometimes I baffled with women.
Why couldn't they say what they want to? Or just said what they thought about?
It made you relieved, you know, when you said it. Kept it by yourself just made
you worst on your feeling. And almost of men were fine if you said the truth,
even the men would more appreciate to you.
Almost two hours, and
suddenly her flight called. She had to go. She took her bag and said good bye.
Oh, damn, somehow I felt sad to get this conversation end. Then she left me
some money.
"I'll trade
it", she said. Watched me for a moment, then she left.
Then I laughed to myself.
What was it? Who was the enemy? Enemy didn't trade you a cappuccino, didn't
talk to you like an old friend, or didn't tell their personal life.
So who was the enemy?
How could I state people are enemies or not? Then, who should I believe in now?