19 Jun 2013



Yes, we need a talk. But, she won't to talk. So, we never have a talk. Do you think it's meaningful talk? Or just a talk? What a confusing talk.

Talk is important to know each other. What they think, what they feel, what they need, etc.

Well, actually it's not about talk. It's about how we communicate to understand each other. It's more than talk.


Banyak yang tak mengerti tentang mereka. Aku sendiri pun tak tahu. Para peneliti pun tak tahu. Pernah hingga suatu saat aku bertanya absurd pada diri mereka langsung. Pertanyaannyapun tentang tentang teoriku yang aku kembangkan setelah membaca beberapa referensi.

Dan jawaban mereka pun mengejutkan sekaligus menjadi titik terang. Karena mereka juga tak mengerti diri mereka. Damn. Cukup membuktikan bahwa teoriku benar.


If you look carefully, you will know that all just the same. If you said you've found yours, said that it just not the same, and said that it has different behaviour, so you don't understand.

All of that kind are same. Even that I or you thought that found some are different, but it was wrong. And I just realize only two are different.

My experience, I just wanna share. I just wanna you save and not stumble with what I did. Simple.


Politikus itu sering kali digeneralisasi. Ada yang jujur tapi jadinya semua rata ndak jujur. Ada yang benar-benar amanah tapi jadinya sama rata. Ada yang rajin datang rapat tapi semua dianggap malas. Malah terkesan komunis jadinya sama rata.

Ya, aku sudah tak peduli dengan mu, juga dengan kalian. Bukan karena sama, tapi karena generalisasi. Dan aku tidak mengelak jika ada satu dua yang tak sama.

Tapi bagaimana bisa tak dianggap sama jika apa yang ku dapatkan, kalau tidak salah, dua dari tiga itu adalah sama?


This talk is so confusing. My suggest, just wait, prepare, and we'll get the best which not the same with others.

They all are same.


It's still an enigma.

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