23 Feb 2013

It's Too Late, Tania

 Once upon a time, lived a man called Nichov. He loved a girl, called Tania. He did everything for her. Whatever Tania wanted, Nichov would make it comes true. Even the impossible one.
But Tania never loved him. She hate him. In Indonesian we called, 'cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan'. Hahaha.

And one day...
Nichov  : Tania, this is your flower you want. It's very difficult to find. This flower only in the top of   mountain.
Tania     : I don't care. Give it to me.
Nichov : Are you happy now?
Tania     : Of course not. This flower are droop already.
Nichov : I'm sorry, I suppossed take care it carefully.
Tania     : And you take too much time. One week?! You must finish what I want in one day, even you have to climb the Everest, or diving the Mariana.
Nichov : All right then. I'll do my best. Just for you my love, Tania.
Tania     : Now dismiss.
Nichov : Do you love me?
Tania     : I said, dismiss!

Poor. Poor Nichov.

Nichov has a friend. A best friend. He's name is Nicholas. He's just a dreamer, a gipsy, like a bird flying in the sky so high. Where he live are unknown, when he was born are unknown, he's job are unknown, he's a mistery, even for the Nichov himself.

But Nicholas always on the coast in the evening. Sit on the dock, watching the sky, feeling the sea and see the horizon between them, so joyful. He's dreaming. And Nichov, always sit beside him, talk about family, life, love, people, country, and of course, about dream.

And after the flower accident, Nichov meet Nicholas.
Nichov                  : Hi Nicholas.
Nicholas               : Hi Nichov. Where have you been in the last one week? And you look so mess.
Nichov                  : Haha, I'm sorry. I've arrived from the mountain. To find a flower, for my love, Tania.
Nicholas               : Tania again?
Nichov                  : Yes.
Nicholas               : Are you insane? Lost you mind?
Nichov                  : Of course not. I think It's you.
Nicholas               : What?
Nichov                  : I think you are insane.
Nicholas               : Oh thanks. Very helpful.
(silence for a moment)
Nicholas               : Does she ever respond your love?
Nichov                  : Never.
Nicholas               : So why you still bear up? Find another girl, who love you. Enjoy your life, don't waste your time for her. She's absolutely arrogant.
Nichov                  : Nicholas. I just love her. Everything I do, for her. Even I burried alive, or burned by the fire, I'll do my best for her. Even she never respond my love, I don't care Nicholas. I don't care, I just want to make her happy.
Nicholas               : That's love. (whispering)
Nichov                  : Pardon me?
Nicholas               : That is....the true love.
Nichov                  : I don't understand Nicholas.
Nicholas               : Nichov, love is just about what you give. And never expect what you will get from it. You have found your love.

Nichov can't say any word. He smiles. He thinks, he find his love already. Untill one day...
Nichov  : What do you want my dear?
Tania     : Bring the uniqe clam from Cruesel Island.
Nichov : But the weather is so bad for sailing, babe.
Tania     : You said you love me? Lie.
Nichov : No. But...
Tania     : Shut up. Just bring me the clam.

Eventhough the bad weather, nichov goes sailing.

1 month later....

In the evening, Tania goes to the coast. Stand up on the dock, watching the horizon. And of course there's Nicholas there.

Nicholas               : Hi young lady, what are you waiting for?
Tania                     : My love, Nichov.
Nicholas               : Ho, so you are Tania.
Tania                     : How could you know? Who are you?
Nicholas               : I'm Nicholas. Nichov was my friend. My best friend.
Tania                     : Where is he now?
Nicholas               : Heaven, Tania.
(Tania started to cry)
Tania                     : What happened?
Nicholas               : Storm sink his boat when he was sailing to find uniqe clam for you in Cruesel Island.
Tania                     : No! Nichov! (crying)
Nicholas               : Why are you so sad? You never love him!
Tania                     : I was wrong. (crying)
Nicholas               : Do you ever think about him? Just for once?
Tania                     : No, stop! (crying)
Nicholas               : Do you ever imagane how he love you so much?
Tania                     : Stop it, Nicholas! (crying)
Nicholas               : Now you understand. It's very lucky when you loved by someone. Just don't waste it, or you will suffer.
Tania                     : Yes, I suffer. I'm sorry. Nichov, I love you!
Nicholas               : It's too late, Tania!
Tania                     : Shut up Nicholas! Even I burried alive, or burned by the fire, I'll do everything for him now. Even he never respond my love, I don't care Nicholas. I don't care!
Nicholas               : Yes. That's love, Tania. You have found your love.

The End.

Haha. Ini dia karya pertama saya yang full coro (baca : cara) Inggris-an. Mungkin ndak full ya, kan ada tulisan cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan. Hehehe

Walaupun begitu, ini baru pertama. Jadi jika ada yang salah dalam penyampaian kata-katanya saya mohon maaf. Bahkan saya kalo bisa diingatkan dan diberi tahu penulisan yang benar. Ya caranya sih tinggal komen aja di bawah. Gampang \(^o^)/

Maaf juga sih kalo kata-kata yang dipilih agak norak dan blak-blakan, hehehe. Maklum baru pertama. Maklum kan semuanya? Maklumlah baru pertama (kok mbulet ae seh). Oke, jadi minta doanya aja biar tambah jos Inggrisnya, kagak norak-norak nemen (baca : banget) kayak di atas. Hehe

Okay, It's my life. Enjoy it!

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